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Welcome To The Show

Written by Pepefuee

Voice: Pepefuee and Google Translator

Samples: Mixcraft 6 (edited by Pepefuee)


The Roost

Written by Darkna

Voice: Darkna (Recorded on Guarida's Studio)

Samples: Mixcraft 6 (edited by Pepefuee and Darkna)


Juggling Love

Written by Rhena, Ylenia, Leo B. and Pepefuee

Voices: Rhena and Leo B. (Recorded on Guarida's Studio)

Samples: Mixcraft 6 (edited by Pepefuee)

Bass and Piano chords: Pepefuee


Afrikan Dance

Samples: Mixcraft 6 (edited by Pepefuee)

Synth Pad: Pepefuee



Written by Darkna and Rhena (re-edited by Pepefuee and Leo B.)

Voices: Rhena and Darkna (Recorded on Guarida's Studio)

Choir: Ylenia

Samples: Mixcraft 6 (edited by Pepefuee)



Written by Ferd A. and Pepefuee

Voices: Lesly and Juanca (Recorded on Guarida's Studio)

Choir: Ferd and Pepefuee

Drums: Mixcraft 6 (edited by Pepefuee)

Synths: Pepefuee


Monkey's Icon

Samples: Mixcraft 6 (edited by Pepefuee)

Synths and Piano chords: Pepefuee


Di Magic Note

Samples: Mixcraft 6 (edited by Pepefuee)


Last Digit

Written by Ferd and Pepefuee

Voices: Ferd and Pepefuee

Clap: Pepefuee

Samples: Mixcraft 6 (edited by Fernando A. and Pepefuee)

Bass: Pepefuee


Fire Riff (Bonus Track)

Samples: Mixcraft 6 (edited by Ylenia and Pepefuee)

Synth: Pepefuee


Cover ART:









-Denis Nebot to recommend me Bandcamp

-My english teachers who translated a lot of texts

-G Kuru to talk me about Guarida's Studio

-Larke who helped us to record the voices

-Mixcraft 6 to make a fantastic pack of sounds and samples and a great sound editor

-Bandcamp for making big a lot of artists everyday

-Wix. You are in it now ;)


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